

A Young Master of Piano in a Fair Fight for Art

This 24-year old is one of the greatest hopes of the piano world. On Tuesday in the Hamburg Laeiszhalle Rafał Blechacz offered a fantastic opening to the Pro-Arte “Piano Masters” series. (...) When he sits at his Steinway he fights for art, for right interpretation of each phrase, for answers to questions left behind by Bach and Mozart.

Rafał Blechacz started the soirée with Italian Concerto, BWV 971 by Bach. And the way he plays Bach is captivating, making a blend of various voices clearly audible. Beautiful like a dream andante Blechacz slows down almost to adagio in order to play the final presto in a brisk manner that sharpens the contrast. Sonata in B-flat major, KV 570 by Mozart played at a fast pace unfolded a narrative force that was also present in bravura Variations in B-flat minor by Karol Szymanowski. In music of his compatriot this acute, self-possessed artist whose discipline, culture of articulation and honesty of interpretation we all truly admire, easily meets demanding piano challenges.

/Die Welt, 8 October 2009, Peter Krause/